Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Get thee to Macclesfield!

As the months roll by we welcome July
Snow White lithograph by Wanda Zeigner - Ebel

For as long as I can remember Little Sis has had a bit of a 'thing' about Macclesfield. Nobody knows where it came from, it's not somewhere we had ever been to or talked about but she thought it sounded like a nice place and wanted to go. Then a short while ago I read a post at Cosmos and Cotton about her local market. She talked about the wonderful atmosphere and had pictures of stalls filled with all kinds of goodies. It was the sort of place I wanted to visit so when I found out where it was the die was cast. Last Sunday Little Sis and I took a trip to the long awaited for Macclesfield and it's accompanying Treacle Market. We could have taken the train but decided instead on a wonderful road trip through the lanes and villages of Staffordshire and Cheshire. Once parked we knew which direction to head as the sound of drums called us ever nearer (more on that in a bit!)

Before we even reached the market I was taken with this shop front
It reminded me of a household version of the bucket and spade shops that line our seaside resorts

Then we came to this and the scene was set for the most wondeful array of stalls, characters and treats that I have come across for some time

We followed the drumming along the banner lined street

Passing all kinds of goodies

Little Sis had to drag me away from more than one stall

Crates anyone?

And here's one for the pyrex fans

There were curiosities

And hand made talent

In the centre of the square we found the drums
Looking back at this picture I can't believe there were so few drummers - the rhythm was compelling and the atmosphere electric! If I'd had a drum I'd have joined in (fortunately for Little Sis  it was not something I had about my person)

We sneaked a peek at the church where they were selling refreshments inside

and playing with ukeleles and hoola hoops outside (okay we'd missed the  main event but you get the picture)

Look at this plant stall

Who could resist these little beauties?

The pleasure continued

And then we reached the food section!

Hand made chocolates

The most delicious potted shrimp

International cuisine

But these had to come home with us

So Jane - enough of the pictures already. What did you actually buy?

Well in a little basket under a stall I found these

But what is it they are sitting on - a sheet perhaps?

Why yes oh observant one it is indeed some sheeting - perhaps I can make it into a dress.
Hold the phone - somebody already has!

A little modification around the neckline and sleeves and I'm set to go!

Little Sis bought the most beautiful belt clasp
Now we just need to make some belts to go with it.

Macclesfield - you did us proud. You were welcoming, friendly and fun. Would I come again - certainly (and I might even bring a little drum!)

Hope you are all having a good week.


P.S. Oooh Betty has also written a post about the market - hers is far more eloquent than mine so pop over and take a peek ( I wasn't going to tell you that at the beginning now was I?!)


  1. Good grief! Who would have thought .... this is better than the world famous Portobello! How wonderful, so much choice, and so well presented too. (And drums and chocolate). Love your goodies. Wish it were not so far, we'd be there in a flash! Minerva x

  2. Oh my goodness I wish we had markets like this in Glasgow, it looks it a bit much to drive all the way down south to shop? Your photos are beautiful :)

  3. Oooo, I'm charting it on a map to see how long it would take from Surrey...what a fine day you had! chrissie x

  4. Now that is what I call a market! There were so many things I could see from your photos that I would have had no hesitation in buying! I'm going to have to work out how to get there...with a pick up truck!! Chel x

  5. Oh the pyrex oh the crates....feeling bit dizzy now,

    oh the fungi....swoon...thats done it..... I now have a touch of the vapours....smelling salts needed!!!
    to you d x

  6. What a fun market! So many things to see (and buy!). Looks like a really nice way to spend the day. :)

  7. Mushrooms! I spotted shiitake and Enoki! Love mushrooms. Interesting doll heads! Looks fun! : )

  8. ~ what a cheery wonderful time for two sisters to have! LOVED the vintage bits and bobs, such an array of interesting items! These days are just the best, aren't they just! LOVE the pretty dress am off to have another little browse, it's like having a day away with out leaving my little old comfy chair! hugs Maria x

  9. What a great account of your day at Treacle Market, which I'd never heard of before. So many lovely things to buy. (I would have snapped up that red enamel coffee pot) Doesn't look like the woman on the potted shrimp stall was doing very well with that face like a slapped arse! Ooerr Some unusually shaped mushrooms there but I love the dress and your sisters belt buckle.

  10. I'm not far from Macclesfield, I love the treacle market! Glad you had a good day there.

  11. Ooh, that sounds like THE most fabulous day out - what great finds too!

  12. How delightful it all looks. (Except for the expression on the face of the potted shrimp lady). The pyrex got me, I actually have some from when I was married 31 years ago...maybe I can join the market.

  13. Oh I would be in heaven, pyrex, pretty china and mushrooms ... lovely ... Bee xx

  14. Such a lot of loveliness here - I would have be short of cash for a long time if I visited somewhere like this! Wonderful, wonderful goods.

  15. Macclesfield looks amazing - what a wonderful selection of stall and goods at the market. Little Sis clearly has excellent taste!
    PS My Mum has the top right Pyrex dish - I always think of it with a small Shepherd's Pie or cold custard in!

  16. Looks amazing. I would have been really tempted by some of those stalls.
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  17. What a lovely day out for you little lady and you. Great stalls and great loot too. Will this be an annual event??

    1. Would you believe it's on every month! x

  18. I neeeeed to go! I love that picnic ste! :) x

  19. Potted Shrimp lady doesn't look too pleased!

  20. Who would have thought Macclesfield would have had such an array of lovely shops and stalls!!

  21. Oh how wonderful, thank you for sharing your photos it's made me want to go too :) xx

  22. What a fun day out you had! It's a good job this market is too far away from me or I'd be permanently skint! :oD

  23. Ah yes - lots of lovely things to look at. I've got a nice old ladder in the cellar that I might fetch up today and 'decorate' having seen that one. Nice purchases too
    Best wishes

  24. It looks wonderful. Those crates and suitcases!!! The kind of market I'd have to go to with a very limited budget otherwise I'd want to buy everything in sight. You bought some lovely things there. x

  25. Wow! What a wonderful trip. Thanks for sharing it!

  26. Thank you for the lovely reminder, I keep meaning to get me to a Treacle Market, Macclesfield is only about an hours drive away from us. I wonder how many bloggers one might bump into there?!

  27. how beautiful- I feel like I've just visited!

  28. Oh what fabulous pictures Jane! I've never been to Treacle Market but plan on going to the next one at the end of this month, it's only about half an hour away from where I live and I can't wait to have a good rummage on some of those stalls! :D xx


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