Sunday, 6 January 2013

A snapshot

I thought I'd have a go at trying something a bit more creative with my photographs. Several people seemed to recommend picmonkey so I've had a go. 

The remaining decorations have come down today and with them some smiles. Those snowflakes were a breeze to crochet but the invisible thread I used to try and connect them drove me to distraction. The heart garland was a joint effort between me and my girls (at some point I'd like to do a tutorial to show you how simple this was).  My spotted laurel has stayed gloriously glossy all winter, but just to remind us it's still January there's our lovely fire.
So there we have it. My first picture collage. A small snapshot of a January day in my home.
What do you think?


  1. Hello Jane
    Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog, nice to meet you. Yes, 7am starts are grim in January, I have to get our 12 year old Daughter to go to bed early as she will really struggle after 2 weeks of holidays!
    I have used picmonkey in the past, its good fun to make a collage, after seeing your lovely log fire I can see why staying at home is a much more cosy option :o) Hope it goes well at work this week xox Penelope

    1. Thanks for the encouragement Penelope. This morning was a bit surreal but I got through it with the prospect of a lovely sofa nap when I got back! Hopefully we will all soon be back in the swing x


I love to read your comments - they are appreciated sooooo much. Thanks for making my day xxx